Saturday, August 15, 2009




Eueu (:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i doubt the both of us will forget the first thing i ever said to you during orientation (:
which i repeated this year unknowingly ._.


3 Sapphires, 1 Basic Instinct
and 2 Voniques


Sapphire, Vonique, Basic Instinct.
Carmen, Lavone, Me (:


Me, ma mei, bimbo, serene, liting, lavone, bimbo2


Keith, me and eueue feat eueu's flowers (:
once again, happy birthday eueu!
We were meant to be singing with the flowers as mics, eh haha. ya.



Keith and me!
Like a big brother.


BI feat suria and mev (:


BI feat nelson and frankie.




"let's do the nana"



Suntec's audition is over, and we got in!!!!!!!


I really wanted it and yet i was so sure we screwed up big time and werent going to get in.

Baby i and were still chatting with his classmates, oblivious to the announcing of results. when we did walk towards the galleria and we saw the crowd, the announcing of results... i actually told him " i don wanna go, i doubt we'll get in". But he pulled me along all the same, seconds after making out way through the crowd.. VONIQUE! I screamed and congratulated him with a hug albeit the fact that... haha you know it baby (: Immensely happy for vonique yet still madly fretting over BI. Guess i was prepared for the worst yet still hoping for the best. Look Behind was called... then the next team. It's all or nothing for us. "BASIC INSTINCT!" The tears just swelled up in my eyes and i nearly squeezed the life out of baby by hugging him. Happy. Mad Rad Happy.

The mad, intensive training till 12 am the night before, the finishing everything at 11 , the mad rushing, The stress, the doubt. All worth it.

Now's the time for me to fight , hard. Heats on the 29. One day after the papers. It's going to be 2 crazy weeks for me. I'll be needing that tattoo now more than ever.

that aside,
The biggest thank you to rahim and jeling (: even though you guys might probably never read this. But still, thank you so much!

Okay words fail me. But i love you guys, Basic Instinct (:

Even though i hate pink to the ultimate, I'll be happily wearing our pink flannel shirt.

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